Thursday, July 15, 2010


Once again our neighbors have managed to get themselves an adorable young cat who has been named by our family because we don't know her real name. We named her Monkey. She is a lovely gray tiger with a little small white bib. She a different kind of tiger than Fiona.
Anyhow, they have totally left her outside to fend for herself and she is always hungry and always coming around us when we are outside like we own . I feel terrible but I do know that God watches out for all His creatures and He is taking care of her. We love her but I hav enough cats right now.

Monday, July 12, 2010


So I finished the Mesa bowl and now my State Fair entries are complete. I filled out my entry form with three objects (the pictures of my entries are all here on my blog except the one purse I still have to put the handles on- then its picture will appear here.
I am excited about entering the fair. I use to do it about 25 years ago and won a couple times. It really isn't about the monetary reward, but the ribbons would be cute to have! lol
I am now working on felted flip flops....... will update you on the progress as they "grow".

Sunday, July 4, 2010


I saw that the end was near and so I pushed myself to get to the end of the scuffs (that are named after my gray and white cat Molly) and felted them this afternoon.

I put them on the deck to dry in the hot sun. It will be the cool days of fall and the freezing cold days of winter when they come out and warm my feet. Abby wants
a pair of them in pink for herself.

I have started a Mesa bowl until my other needles arrive and I can start my felted flip flops.
I must get to work on my entry form for the state fair and try and decide how many entries I am going to put in this year.

They will all be felted items- I think I will have a total of three. The prize does not give anything of great value - $25 for first place, but it is just the fun of
getting a ribbon that will be the real prize. I know that sounds really small of me - but, this will be the first time I have entered anything in the fair for over 20 years!

I will post a picture of my new project tomorrow.

Happy 4th of July - Thanks to all who have given their lives for our great nation.