A troubling question.
I see brothers and sisters who have been Christians for decades compromising their Godly standards....... for who? for why?
I read this interesting article :
It was talking about Jesus and how He handled the temptation to compromise.
Luke 4:5-7 says, "The devil led Him up to a high place & showed Him in an instant all the kingdoms of the world. And he said to Him, "I will give you all their authority splendor, for it has been given to me, and I can give it to anyone I want to. So, if you worship me, it will all be yours."
Boy, that was temptation!
You know, every week people line up to buy lottery tickets, fantasizing about buying new homes, and new cars. Doing all the things that they couldn't do otherwise.
"Here it is, Jesus", Satan says, "I have control over the people of this world. They're serving me. So, let's make a deal. Don't set your standards so high. Just compromise with me, and all this can be yours."
Is Satan using the same temptation on you?
Are you playing fast and loose with the truth, cutting corners, compromising with that which you know to be wrong? All this just so you can get more & more? More of what?
I don't think there is anything wrong with material things.
God gave them to us. But who is really the owner of the things that we have ? (Including our family members?)
Is God the owner, or am I? If God is the owner, and He's just loaning all of this to me, then my responsibility is to be a good steward of it and to make sure that God is exalted by the way I use it.
Jesus did the right thing. Vs. 8 says " Jesus answered: It is written: Worship the Lord your God and serve Him only."
He did the right thing for the right reason. He DID NOT COMPROMISE!
Pray about it.